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"value": "{\n \"data\": true\n}", "foxglovePanelTitle": "LED2 Turn ON" }, "Indicator!2z34jcy": { "path": "/button/left.data", "style": "background", "fallbackColor": "#ff0000", "fallbackLabel": "Released", "rules": [ { "operator": "=", "rawValue": "true", "color": "#26c578", "label": "Pressed" } ], "foxglovePanelTitle": "Left Button" }, "Publish!3cb71c0": { "topicName": "/led/left", "datatype": "std_msgs/msg/Bool", "buttonText": "LED1 Turn OFF", "buttonTooltip": "", "buttonColor": "#a80000", "advancedView": false, "value": "{\n \"data\": false\n}", "foxglovePanelTitle": "LED1 Turn OFF" }, "Publish!46onm9c": { "topicName": "/led/right", "datatype": "std_msgs/msg/Bool", "buttonText": "LED2 Turn OFF", "buttonTooltip": "", "buttonColor": "#a80000", "advancedView": false, "value": "{\n \"data\": false\n}", "foxglovePanelTitle": "LED2 Turn OFF" }, "Indicator!1hywfa1": { "path": "/button/right.data", "style": "background", "fallbackColor": "#ff0000", "fallbackLabel": "Released", "rules": [ { 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Studio will invoke your script function\n// when any message is received on one of these topics.\nexport const inputs = [\"/input/topic\"];\n\n// Any output your script produces is \"published\" to this topic. Published messages are only visible within Studio, not to your original data source.\nexport const output = \"/studio_script/output_topic\";\n\n// This function is called with messages from your input topics.\n// The first argument is an event with the topic, receive time, and message.\n// Use the `Input<...>` helper to get the correct event type for your input topic messages.\nexport default function script(event: Input<\"/input/topic\">): Output {\n return {\n hello: \"world!\",\n };\n};", "name": "f5206e1d" }, "1a9e6183-d4b1-47dd-a024-efc14ab90b6b": { "sourceCode": "// This example shows how to subscribe to multiple input topics.\n//\n// NOTE:\n// User Scripts can subscribe to multiple input topics, but can only publish on a single topic.\n\nimport { Input } from \"./types\";\n\ntype Output = { topic: string };\ntype GlobalVariables = { id: number };\n\n// List all the input topics in the `input` array\nexport const inputs = [\"/input/topic\", \"/input/another\"];\nexport const output = \"/studio_script/output_topic\";\n\n// Make an InputEvent type alias. Since our node will get a message from either input topic, we need to enumerate the topics.\ntype InputEvent = Input<\"/input/topic\"> | Input<\"/input/another\">;\n\nexport default function node(event: InputEvent, globalVars: GlobalVariables): Output {\n // Remember that your node will get messages on each topic, so you\n // need to check each event's topic to know which fields are available on the message.\n switch (event.topic) {\n case \"/input/topic\":\n // topic specific input logic\n // Our message fields are specific to our topic message\n break;\n case \"/input/another\":\n // another specific logic\n break;\n }\n\n // Nodes can only output one type of message regardless of the inputs\n // Here we echo back the input topic as an example.\n return {\n topic: event.topic,\n };\n};\n", "name": "1a9e6183" } }, "playbackConfig": { "speed": 1 }, "layout": { "first": { "direction": "row", "first": "Tab!2qhku9u", "second": { "first": "3D!40jejke", "second": { "first": "RosOut!b0toow", "second": "Teleop!yh7wcv", "direction": "column" }, "direction": "row", "splitPercentage": 57.03330110757996 }, "splitPercentage": 30.5849582172702 }, "second": { "first": "ImageViewPanel!40iocf4", "second": { "first": { "first": { "first": "Gauge!4jffafa", "second": "Indicator!11kizr9", "direction": "column" }, "second": "Plot!4dl4s92", "direction": "row" }, "second": { "first": { "first": "Publish!1f6cruz", "second": { "first": "Publish!1wozu40", "second": "Indicator!2z34jcy", "direction": "row", "splitPercentage": 30.461538461538503 }, "direction": "row", "splitPercentage": 23.167848699763567 }, "second": { "first": { "first": "Publish!3cb71c0", "second": "Publish!46onm9c", "direction": "row", "splitPercentage": 49.49494949494945 }, "second": "Indicator!1hywfa1", "direction": "row", "splitPercentage": 46.808510638297854 }, "direction": "column" }, "direction": "row", "splitPercentage": 57.106729218589656 }, "direction": "row", "splitPercentage": 30.63012301119672 }, "direction": "column", "splitPercentage": 67.44897959183673 } }