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2021-12-16 15:07:59 +01:00
ConfigVersion 2.0
;SectionFlags for :
; Robot parameter file
Section General settings
;SectionFlags for General settings:
Class Pioneer ; general type of robot
Subclass pion1x ; specific type of robot
RobotRadius 220.00000 ; radius in mm
RobotDiagonal 90.00000 ; half-height to diagonal of octagon
RobotWidth 400.00000 ; width in mm
RobotLength 500.00000 ; length in mm of the whole robot
RobotLengthFront 0.00000 ; length in mm to the front of the robot (if this is 0
; (or non existent) this value will be set to half of
; RobotLength)
RobotLengthRear 0.00000 ; length in mm to the rear of the robot (if this is 0
; (or non existent) this value will be set to half of
; RobotLength)
Holonomic true ; turns in own radius
MaxRVelocity 100 ; absolute maximum degrees / sec
MaxVelocity 400 ; absolute maximum mm / sec
MaxLatVelocity 0 ; absolute lateral maximum mm / sec
HasMoveCommand false ; has built in move command
RequestIOPackets false ; automatically request IO packets
RequestEncoderPackets false ; automatically request encoder packets
SwitchToBaudRate 0 ; switch to this baud if non-0 and supported on robot
Section Conversion factors
;SectionFlags for Conversion factors:
AngleConvFactor 0.00614 ; radians per angular unit (2PI/4096)
DistConvFactor 0.05066 ; multiplier to mm from robot units
VelConvFactor 2.53320 ; multiplier to mm/sec from robot units
RangeConvFactor 0.17340 ; multiplier to mm from sonar units
DiffConvFactor 0.00333 ; ratio of angular velocity to wheel velocity (unused
; in newer firmware that calculates and returns this)
Vel2Divisor 4.00000 ; divisor for VEL2 commands
GyroScaler 1.62600 ; Scaling factor for gyro readings
Section Accessories the robot has
;SectionFlags for Accessories the robot has:
TableSensingIR false ; if robot has upwards facing table sensing IR
NewTableSensingIR false ; if table sensing IR are sent in IO packet
FrontBumpers false ; if robot has a front bump ring
NumFrontBumpers 0 ; number of front bumpers on the robot
RearBumpers false ; if the robot has a rear bump ring
NumRearBumpers 0 ; number of rear bumpers on the robot
Section IR parameters
;SectionFlags for IR parameters:
IRNum 0 ; number of IRs on the robot
; IRUnit <IR Number> <IR Type> <Persistance, cycles> <x position, mm> <y
position, mm>
Section Movement control parameters
; if these are 0 the parameters from robot flash will be used, otherwise these
; values will be used
;SectionFlags for Movement control parameters:
SettableVelMaxes true ; if TransVelMax and RotVelMax can be set
TransVelMax 400 ; maximum desired translational velocity for the robot
RotVelMax 100 ; maximum desired rotational velocity for the robot
SettableAccsDecs false ; if the accel and decel parameters can be set
TransAccel 0 ; translational acceleration
TransDecel 0 ; translational deceleration
RotAccel 0 ; rotational acceleration
RotDecel 0 ; rotational deceleration
HasLatVel false ; if the robot has lateral velocity
LatVelMax 0 ; maximum desired lateral velocity for the robot
LatAccel 0 ; lateral acceleration
LatDecel 0 ; lateral deceleration
Section GPS parameters
;SectionFlags for GPS parameters:
GPSPX 0 ; x location of gps receiver antenna on robot, mm
GPSPY 0 ; y location of gps receiver antenna on robot, mm
GPSType standard ; type of gps receiver (trimble, novatel, standard)
GPSPort COM2 ; port the gps is on
GPSBaud 9600 ; gps baud rate (9600, 19200, 38400, etc.)
Section Compass parameters
;SectionFlags for Compass parameters:
CompassType robot ; type of compass: robot (typical configuration), or
; serialTCM (computer serial port)
CompassPort ; serial port name, if CompassType is serialTCM
Section Sonar parameters
;SectionFlags for Sonar parameters:
SonarNum 7 ; Number of sonars on the robot.
; SonarUnit <sonarNumber> <x position, mm> <y position, mm> <heading of disc,
degrees> (for MTX sonar there is also <sonar board> <sonar board unit
position> <gain> <detection threshold> <num echo samples>)
SonarUnit 0 100 100 90 0 0 0 0 0 0
SonarUnit 1 120 80 30 0 0 0 0 0 0
SonarUnit 2 130 40 15 0 0 0 0 0 0
SonarUnit 3 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SonarUnit 4 130 -40 -15 0 0 0 0 0 0
SonarUnit 5 120 -80 -30 0 0 0 0 0 0
SonarUnit 6 100 -100 -90 0 0 0 0 0 0
Section SonarBoard_1
; Information about the connection to this Sonar Board.
;SectionFlags for SonarBoard_1:
SonarAutoConnect false ; SonarBoard_1 exists and should be automatically
; connected at startup.
SonarBoardType ; Type of the sonar board.
SonarBoardPortType ; Port type that the sonar is on.
SonarBoardPort ; Port the sonar is on.
SonarBoardPowerOutput ; Power output that controls this Sonar Board's power.
SonarBaud 0 ; Baud rate for the sonar board communication. (9600,
; 19200, 38400, etc.).
SonarDelay 2 ; range [0, 10], Sonar delay (in ms).
SonarGain 10 ; range [0, 31], Default sonar gain for the board,
; range 0-31.
SonarDetectionThreshold 25 ; range [0, 65535], Default sonar detection
; threshold for the board.
SonarMaxRange 4335 ; range [0, 4335], Default maximum sonar range for
; the board.
Section Laser parameters
; Information about the connection to this laser and its position on the
; vehicle.
;SectionFlags for Laser parameters:
LaserAutoConnect false ; Laser_1 exists and should be automatically connected
; at startup.
LaserX 0 ; Location (in mm) of the laser in X (+ front, - back)
; relative to the robot's idealized center of
; rotation.
LaserY 0 ; Location (in mm) of the laser in Y (+ left, - right)
; relative to the robot's idealized center of
; rotation.
LaserTh 0.00000 ; range [-180, 180], Rotation (in deg) of the laser
; (+ counterclockwise, - clockwise).
LaserZ 0 ; minimum 0, Height (in mm) of the laser from the
; ground. 0 means unknown.
LaserIgnore ; Angles (in deg) at which to ignore readings, +/1 one
; degree. Angles are entered as strings, separated by
; a space.
LaserFlipped false ; Laser_1 is upside-down.
LaserType ; Type of laser.
LaserPortType ; Type of port the laser is on.
LaserPort ; Port the laser is on.
LaserPowerOutput ; Power output that controls this laser's power.
LaserStartingBaudChoice ; StartingBaud for this laser. Leave blank to use the
; default.
LaserAutoBaudChoice ; AutoBaud for this laser. Leave blank to use the
; default.
LaserPowerControlled true ; When enabled (true), this indicates that the power
; to the laser is controlled by the serial port line.
LaserMaxRange 0 ; Maximum range (in mm) to use for the laser. This
; should be specified only when the range needs to be
; shortened. 0 to use the default range.
LaserCumulativeBufferSize 0 ; Cumulative buffer size to use for the laser. 0 to
; use the default.
LaserStartDegrees ; Start angle (in deg) for the laser. This may be used
; to constrain the angle. Fractional degrees are
; permitted. Leave blank to use the default.
LaserEndDegrees ; End angle (in deg) for the laser. This may be used
; to constrain the angle. Fractional degreees are
; permitted. Leave blank to use the default.
LaserDegreesChoice ; Degrees choice for the laser. This may be used to
; constrain the range. Leave blank to use the default.
LaserIncrement ; Increment (in deg) for the laser. Fractional degrees
; are permitted. Leave blank to use the default.
LaserIncrementChoice ; Increment choice for the laser. This may be used to
; increase the increment. Leave blank to use the
; default.
LaserUnitsChoice ; Units for the laser. This may be used to increase
; the size of the units. Leave blank to use the
; default.
LaserReflectorBitsChoice ; ReflectorBits for the laser. Leave blank to use the
; default.
Section Laser 2 parameters
; Information about the connection to this laser and its position on the
; vehicle.
;SectionFlags for Laser 2 parameters:
LaserAutoConnect false ; Laser_2 exists and should be automatically connected
; at startup.
LaserX 0 ; Location (in mm) of the laser in X (+ front, - back)
; relative to the robot's idealized center of
; rotation.
LaserY 0 ; Location (in mm) of the laser in Y (+ left, - right)
; relative to the robot's idealized center of
; rotation.
LaserTh 0.00000 ; range [-180, 180], Rotation (in deg) of the laser
; (+ counterclockwise, - clockwise).
LaserZ 0 ; minimum 0, Height (in mm) of the laser from the
; ground. 0 means unknown.
LaserIgnore ; Angles (in deg) at which to ignore readings, +/1 one
; degree. Angles are entered as strings, separated by
; a space.
LaserFlipped false ; Laser_2 is upside-down.
LaserType ; Type of laser.
LaserPortType ; Type of port the laser is on.
LaserPort ; Port the laser is on.
LaserPowerOutput ; Power output that controls this laser's power.
LaserStartingBaudChoice ; StartingBaud for this laser. Leave blank to use the
; default.
LaserAutoBaudChoice ; AutoBaud for this laser. Leave blank to use the
; default.
LaserPowerControlled true ; When enabled (true), this indicates that the power
; to the laser is controlled by the serial port line.
LaserMaxRange 0 ; Maximum range (in mm) to use for the laser. This
; should be specified only when the range needs to be
; shortened. 0 to use the default range.
LaserCumulativeBufferSize 0 ; Cumulative buffer size to use for the laser. 0 to
; use the default.
LaserStartDegrees ; Start angle (in deg) for the laser. This may be used
; to constrain the angle. Fractional degrees are
; permitted. Leave blank to use the default.
LaserEndDegrees ; End angle (in deg) for the laser. This may be used
; to constrain the angle. Fractional degreees are
; permitted. Leave blank to use the default.
LaserDegreesChoice ; Degrees choice for the laser. This may be used to
; constrain the range. Leave blank to use the default.
LaserIncrement ; Increment (in deg) for the laser. Fractional degrees
; are permitted. Leave blank to use the default.
LaserIncrementChoice ; Increment choice for the laser. This may be used to
; increase the increment. Leave blank to use the
; default.
LaserUnitsChoice ; Units for the laser. This may be used to increase
; the size of the units. Leave blank to use the
; default.
LaserReflectorBitsChoice ; ReflectorBits for the laser. Leave blank to use the
; default.
Section Battery_1
; Information about the connection to this battery.
;SectionFlags for Battery_1:
BatteryAutoConnect false ; Battery_1 exists and should be automatically
; connected at startup.
BatteryType ; Type of battery.
BatteryPortType ; Port type that the battery is on.
BatteryPort ; Port the battery is on.
BatteryBaud 0 ; Baud rate to use for battery communication (9600,
; 19200, 38400, etc.).
Section LCD_1
; The physical definition of this LCD.
;SectionFlags for LCD_1:
LCDAutoConnect false ; LCD_1 exists and should automatically be connected
; at startup.
LCDDisconnectOnConnectFailure false ; The LCD is a key component and is
; required for operation. If this is enabled and there
; is a failure in the LCD communications, then the
; robot will restart.
LCDType ; Type of LCD.
LCDPortType ; Port type that the LCD is on.
LCDPort ; Port that the LCD is on.
LCDPowerOutput ; Power output that controls this LCD's power.
LCDBaud 0 ; Baud rate for the LCD communication (9600, 19200,
; 38400, etc.).
Section PTZ 1 parameters
; Information about the connection to a pan/tilt unit (PTU) or pan/tilt/zoom
; control (PTZ) of a camera
;SectionFlags for PTZ 1 parameters:
PTZAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this PTZ by default.
PTZType unknown ; PTZ or PTU type
PTZInverted false ; If unit is mounted inverted (upside-down)
PTZSerialPort none ; serial port, or none if not using serial port
; communication
PTZRobotAuxSerialPort -1 ; Pioneer aux. serial port, or -1 if not using aux.
; serial port for communication.
PTZAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using network
; communication.
PTZTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section PTZ 2 parameters
; Information about the connection to a pan/tilt unit (PTU) or pan/tilt/zoom
; control (PTZ) of a camera
;SectionFlags for PTZ 2 parameters:
PTZAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this PTZ by default.
PTZType unknown ; PTZ or PTU type
PTZInverted false ; If unit is mounted inverted (upside-down)
PTZSerialPort none ; serial port, or none if not using serial port
; communication
PTZRobotAuxSerialPort -1 ; Pioneer aux. serial port, or -1 if not using aux.
; serial port for communication.
PTZAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using network
; communication.
PTZTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section PTZ 3 parameters
; Information about the connection to a pan/tilt unit (PTU) or pan/tilt/zoom
; control (PTZ) of a camera
;SectionFlags for PTZ 3 parameters:
PTZAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this PTZ by default.
PTZType unknown ; PTZ or PTU type
PTZInverted false ; If unit is mounted inverted (upside-down)
PTZSerialPort none ; serial port, or none if not using serial port
; communication
PTZRobotAuxSerialPort -1 ; Pioneer aux. serial port, or -1 if not using aux.
; serial port for communication.
PTZAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using network
; communication.
PTZTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section PTZ 4 parameters
; Information about the connection to a pan/tilt unit (PTU) or pan/tilt/zoom
; control (PTZ) of a camera
;SectionFlags for PTZ 4 parameters:
PTZAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this PTZ by default.
PTZType unknown ; PTZ or PTU type
PTZInverted false ; If unit is mounted inverted (upside-down)
PTZSerialPort none ; serial port, or none if not using serial port
; communication
PTZRobotAuxSerialPort -1 ; Pioneer aux. serial port, or -1 if not using aux.
; serial port for communication.
PTZAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using network
; communication.
PTZTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section PTZ 5 parameters
; Information about the connection to a pan/tilt unit (PTU) or pan/tilt/zoom
; control (PTZ) of a camera
;SectionFlags for PTZ 5 parameters:
PTZAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this PTZ by default.
PTZType unknown ; PTZ or PTU type
PTZInverted false ; If unit is mounted inverted (upside-down)
PTZSerialPort none ; serial port, or none if not using serial port
; communication
PTZRobotAuxSerialPort -1 ; Pioneer aux. serial port, or -1 if not using aux.
; serial port for communication.
PTZAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using network
; communication.
PTZTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section PTZ 6 parameters
; Information about the connection to a pan/tilt unit (PTU) or pan/tilt/zoom
; control (PTZ) of a camera
;SectionFlags for PTZ 6 parameters:
PTZAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this PTZ by default.
PTZType unknown ; PTZ or PTU type
PTZInverted false ; If unit is mounted inverted (upside-down)
PTZSerialPort none ; serial port, or none if not using serial port
; communication
PTZRobotAuxSerialPort -1 ; Pioneer aux. serial port, or -1 if not using aux.
; serial port for communication.
PTZAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using network
; communication.
PTZTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section PTZ 7 parameters
; Information about the connection to a pan/tilt unit (PTU) or pan/tilt/zoom
; control (PTZ) of a camera
;SectionFlags for PTZ 7 parameters:
PTZAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this PTZ by default.
PTZType unknown ; PTZ or PTU type
PTZInverted false ; If unit is mounted inverted (upside-down)
PTZSerialPort none ; serial port, or none if not using serial port
; communication
PTZRobotAuxSerialPort -1 ; Pioneer aux. serial port, or -1 if not using aux.
; serial port for communication.
PTZAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using network
; communication.
PTZTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section PTZ 8 parameters
; Information about the connection to a pan/tilt unit (PTU) or pan/tilt/zoom
; control (PTZ) of a camera
;SectionFlags for PTZ 8 parameters:
PTZAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this PTZ by default.
PTZType unknown ; PTZ or PTU type
PTZInverted false ; If unit is mounted inverted (upside-down)
PTZSerialPort none ; serial port, or none if not using serial port
; communication
PTZRobotAuxSerialPort -1 ; Pioneer aux. serial port, or -1 if not using aux.
; serial port for communication.
PTZAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using network
; communication.
PTZTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section Video 1 parameters
; Information about the connection to a video acquisition device,
; framegrabber, or camera
;SectionFlags for Video 1 parameters:
VideoAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this device by default.
VideoType unknown ; Device type
VideoInverted false ; If image should be flipped (for cameras mounted
; inverted/upside-down)
VideoWidth -1 ; Desired width of image
VideoHeight -1 ; Desired height of image
VideoDeviceIndex -1 ; Device index
VideoDeviceName none ; Device name (overrides VideoDeviceIndex)
VideoChannel 1 ; Input channel
VideoAnalogSignalFormat ; NTSC or PAL
VideoAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using
; network communication.
VideoTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section Video 2 parameters
; Information about the connection to a video acquisition device,
; framegrabber, or camera
;SectionFlags for Video 2 parameters:
VideoAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this device by default.
VideoType unknown ; Device type
VideoInverted false ; If image should be flipped (for cameras mounted
; inverted/upside-down)
VideoWidth -1 ; Desired width of image
VideoHeight -1 ; Desired height of image
VideoDeviceIndex -1 ; Device index
VideoDeviceName none ; Device name (overrides VideoDeviceIndex)
VideoChannel 1 ; Input channel
VideoAnalogSignalFormat ; NTSC or PAL
VideoAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using
; network communication.
VideoTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section Video 3 parameters
; Information about the connection to a video acquisition device,
; framegrabber, or camera
;SectionFlags for Video 3 parameters:
VideoAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this device by default.
VideoType unknown ; Device type
VideoInverted false ; If image should be flipped (for cameras mounted
; inverted/upside-down)
VideoWidth -1 ; Desired width of image
VideoHeight -1 ; Desired height of image
VideoDeviceIndex -1 ; Device index
VideoDeviceName none ; Device name (overrides VideoDeviceIndex)
VideoChannel 1 ; Input channel
VideoAnalogSignalFormat ; NTSC or PAL
VideoAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using
; network communication.
VideoTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section Video 4 parameters
; Information about the connection to a video acquisition device,
; framegrabber, or camera
;SectionFlags for Video 4 parameters:
VideoAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this device by default.
VideoType unknown ; Device type
VideoInverted false ; If image should be flipped (for cameras mounted
; inverted/upside-down)
VideoWidth -1 ; Desired width of image
VideoHeight -1 ; Desired height of image
VideoDeviceIndex -1 ; Device index
VideoDeviceName none ; Device name (overrides VideoDeviceIndex)
VideoChannel 1 ; Input channel
VideoAnalogSignalFormat ; NTSC or PAL
VideoAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using
; network communication.
VideoTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section Video 5 parameters
; Information about the connection to a video acquisition device,
; framegrabber, or camera
;SectionFlags for Video 5 parameters:
VideoAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this device by default.
VideoType unknown ; Device type
VideoInverted false ; If image should be flipped (for cameras mounted
; inverted/upside-down)
VideoWidth -1 ; Desired width of image
VideoHeight -1 ; Desired height of image
VideoDeviceIndex -1 ; Device index
VideoDeviceName none ; Device name (overrides VideoDeviceIndex)
VideoChannel 1 ; Input channel
VideoAnalogSignalFormat ; NTSC or PAL
VideoAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using
; network communication.
VideoTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section Video 6 parameters
; Information about the connection to a video acquisition device,
; framegrabber, or camera
;SectionFlags for Video 6 parameters:
VideoAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this device by default.
VideoType unknown ; Device type
VideoInverted false ; If image should be flipped (for cameras mounted
; inverted/upside-down)
VideoWidth -1 ; Desired width of image
VideoHeight -1 ; Desired height of image
VideoDeviceIndex -1 ; Device index
VideoDeviceName none ; Device name (overrides VideoDeviceIndex)
VideoChannel 1 ; Input channel
VideoAnalogSignalFormat ; NTSC or PAL
VideoAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using
; network communication.
VideoTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section Video 7 parameters
; Information about the connection to a video acquisition device,
; framegrabber, or camera
;SectionFlags for Video 7 parameters:
VideoAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this device by default.
VideoType unknown ; Device type
VideoInverted false ; If image should be flipped (for cameras mounted
; inverted/upside-down)
VideoWidth -1 ; Desired width of image
VideoHeight -1 ; Desired height of image
VideoDeviceIndex -1 ; Device index
VideoDeviceName none ; Device name (overrides VideoDeviceIndex)
VideoChannel 1 ; Input channel
VideoAnalogSignalFormat ; NTSC or PAL
VideoAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using
; network communication.
VideoTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection
Section Video 8 parameters
; Information about the connection to a video acquisition device,
; framegrabber, or camera
;SectionFlags for Video 8 parameters:
VideoAutoConnect false ; If true, connect to this device by default.
VideoType unknown ; Device type
VideoInverted false ; If image should be flipped (for cameras mounted
; inverted/upside-down)
VideoWidth -1 ; Desired width of image
VideoHeight -1 ; Desired height of image
VideoDeviceIndex -1 ; Device index
VideoDeviceName none ; Device name (overrides VideoDeviceIndex)
VideoChannel 1 ; Input channel
VideoAnalogSignalFormat ; NTSC or PAL
VideoAddress ; IP address or hostname, or none if not using
; network communication.
VideoTCPPort 80 ; TCP Port to use for HTTP network connection