/* Adept MobileRobots Robotics Interface for Applications (ARIA) Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 ActivMedia Robotics LLC Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 MobileRobots Inc. Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Adept Technology This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA If you wish to redistribute ARIA under different terms, contact Adept MobileRobots for information about a commercial version of ARIA at robots@mobilerobots.com or Adept MobileRobots, 10 Columbia Drive, Amherst, NH 03031; +1-603-881-7960 */ #include "Aria.h" #include /* * This is useful as a diagnostic tool, plus it shows all the many accessor * methods of ArRobot for robot state. It makes the robot wander, using sonar * to avoid obstacles, and prints out various pieces of robot state information * each second. Refer to the ARIA ArRobot documentation and to your robot manual * (section on standard ARCOS SIP packet contents) for details on the data. * * If -connectLaser command line argument is given, or is set in robot parameter * file, it will use th elaser as well as the sonar to wander. * * ARIA also contains a class called ArDataLogger which is configurable through * ArConfig. You can use ArDataLogger in your applications to incorporate * a similar data logging feature. */ /* function to display a byte as a string of 8 '1' and '0' characters. */ std::string byte_as_bitstring(char byte) { char tmp[9]; int bit; int ch; for(bit = 7, ch = 0; bit >= 0; bit--,ch++) tmp[ch] = ((byte>>bit)&1) ? '1' : '0'; tmp[8] = 0; return std::string(tmp); } /* function to display a 2-byte int as a string of 16 '1' and '0' characters. */ std::string int_as_bitstring(ArTypes::Byte2 n) { char tmp[17]; int bit; int ch; for(bit = 15, ch = 0; bit >= 0; bit--, ch++) tmp[ch] = ((n>>bit)&1) ? '1' : '0'; tmp[16] = 0; return std::string(tmp); } std::string charge_state_string(int state) { switch(state) { case ArRobot::CHARGING_UNKNOWN: return "unknown"; case ArRobot::CHARGING_NOT: return "not"; case ArRobot::CHARGING_BULK: return "bulk"; case ArRobot::CHARGING_FLOAT: return "float"; case ArRobot::CHARGING_OVERCHARGE: return "over"; default: return "UNREC VAL"; } } /* Some events might only be detectable in one robot cycle, not over the * 1-second period that the main thread sleeps. This cycle callback will detect * those and save them in some global variables. */ bool wasLeftMotorStalled = false; bool wasRightMotorStalled = false; ArTypes::UByte2 cumulativeStallVal = 0; ArTypes::UByte2 cumulativeRobotFlags = 0; bool wasLeftIRTriggered = false; bool wasRightIRTriggered = false; bool wasEStopTriggered = false; bool cycleCallback(ArRobot* robot) { cumulativeStallVal |= robot->getStallValue(); wasLeftMotorStalled = wasLeftMotorStalled || robot->isLeftMotorStalled(); wasRightMotorStalled = wasRightMotorStalled || robot->isRightMotorStalled(); wasEStopTriggered = wasEStopTriggered || robot->getEstop(); wasLeftIRTriggered = wasLeftIRTriggered || (robot->hasTableSensingIR() && robot->isLeftTableSensingIRTriggered()); wasRightIRTriggered = wasRightIRTriggered || (robot->hasTableSensingIR() && robot->isRightTableSensingIRTriggered()); return true; } unsigned int encoderPacketCountPrevSec; unsigned int encoderPacketCount; ArTime encoderPacketTimer; bool packetCallback(ArRobotPacket *packet) { if(packet->getID() == 0x90) { // encoder packet ++encoderPacketCount; if(encoderPacketTimer.secSince() >= 1) { encoderPacketCountPrevSec = encoderPacketCount; encoderPacketCount = 0; encoderPacketTimer.setToNow(); } //printf("got an encoder packet. Count=%d, CountPrevSec=%d\n", encoderPacketCount, encoderPacketCountPrevSec); } return false; // let other packet handlers (e.g. in ArRobot) be called } ArActionGroup *ToggleActionGroup = NULL; bool ToggleActionGroupActive = false; void toggleaction(int signal) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s action group.", ToggleActionGroupActive?"Deactivating":"Activating"); if(ToggleActionGroupActive) { ToggleActionGroup->deactivate(); ToggleActionGroupActive = false; } else { ToggleActionGroup->activate(); ToggleActionGroupActive = true; } } /* main function */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { Aria::init(); ArLog::init(ArLog::StdErr, ArLog::Normal); // robot and devices ArRobot robot; ArSonarDevice sonar; ArBumpers bumpers; ArIRs ir; // the actions we'll use to wander and avoid obstacles ArActionStallRecover recoverAct; ArActionBumpers bumpAct; ArActionAvoidFront avoidFrontNearAct("Avoid Front Near", 225, 0); ArActionAvoidFront avoidFrontFarAct; ArActionConstantVelocity constantVelocityAct("Constant Velocity", 400); printf("This program will make the robot wander around, avoiding obstacles, and print some data and events.\nPress Ctrl-C to exit. Send SIGUSR1 signal to toggle wandering.\n"); ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv); parser.loadDefaultArguments(); ArRobotConnector robotConnector(&parser, &robot); if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "wanderAndLogData: Could not connect to the robot."); if(parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { Aria::logOptions(); Aria::exit(1); return 1; } } if(!robotConnector.connectRobot()) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "wanderAndLogData: Could not connect to the robot."); Aria::exit(2); return 2; } ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "wanderAndLogData: Connected."); ArLaserConnector laserConnector(&parser, &robot, &robotConnector); if(!laserConnector.connectLasers()) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Warning: unable to connect to requested lasers, will wander using robot sonar only."); // add the range devices to the robot robot.addRangeDevice(&sonar); robot.addRangeDevice(&bumpers); robot.addRangeDevice(&ir); // turn on the motors, turn off amigobot sound effects (for old h8-model amigobots) robot.enableMotors(); robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0); // add the actions created above ArActionGroup wanderGroup(&robot); wanderGroup.addAction(&recoverAct, 100); wanderGroup.addAction(&bumpAct, 75); wanderGroup.addAction(&avoidFrontNearAct, 50); wanderGroup.addAction(&avoidFrontFarAct, 49); wanderGroup.addAction(&constantVelocityAct, 25); ToggleActionGroup = &wanderGroup; // can use SIGUSR1 to disable wandering (use Linux kill command) signal(SIGUSR1, toggleaction); // Cycle callback to check for events robot.addUserTask("checkevents", 1, new ArGlobalRetFunctor1(&cycleCallback, &robot)); // Packet callback to count packets recieved of different types encoderPacketCount = 0; encoderPacketCountPrevSec = 0; encoderPacketTimer.setToNow(); robot.addPacketHandler(new ArGlobalRetFunctor1(&packetCallback), ArListPos::FIRST); // Activate the wander action if(!parser.checkArgument("nowander")) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Beginning wandering actions. Send SIGUSR1 to deactivate wander."); wanderGroup.activate(); ToggleActionGroupActive = true; } else { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Not activating wandering actions since -nowander option was given. Send SIGUSR1 to activate wander."); wanderGroup.deactivate(); ToggleActionGroupActive = false; } // start the robot running, true means that if we lose robot connection the // ArRobot runloop stops robot.runAsync(true); // Print data header #define HEADFORMAT "%-24s %-5s %-16s %-5s %-6s %-6s %-16s %-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s %-10s %-10s %-5s %-5s %-5s %8s %s" #define DATAFORMAT "%-24s %03.02f %-16s %-5s %-6s %-6s %-16s %-8d %-8d %-8g %-8g %-8s %-8s %-10lu %-10lu %-5s %-5s %-5d %6s " // doesn't include bumps details on end printf("\n" HEADFORMAT "\n\n", "Time", "Volts", "Flags", "EStop", "StallL", "StallR", "StallVal", "#SIP/s", "#Son/s", "Vel L", "Vel R", "DigIns", "DigOuts", "Enc L", "Enc R", "IR L", "IR R", "#Enc/s", "Chargestate", "Cur Bumps, (Last Bump Pose)" ); // Request that we will want encoder data robot.requestEncoderPackets(); // Print data every second char timestamp[24]; while(robot.isRunning()) { robot.lock(); time_t t = time(NULL); strftime(timestamp, 24, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&t)); printf( DATAFORMAT, timestamp, robot.getRealBatteryVoltage(), int_as_bitstring(cumulativeRobotFlags).c_str(), (wasEStopTriggered ? "YES" : " "), (wasLeftMotorStalled?"YES":" "), (wasRightMotorStalled?"YES":" "), int_as_bitstring(cumulativeStallVal).c_str(), robot.getMotorPacCount(), robot.getSonarPacCount(), robot.getLeftVel(), robot.getRightVel(), byte_as_bitstring(robot.getDigIn()).c_str(), byte_as_bitstring(robot.getDigOut()).c_str(), robot.getLeftEncoder(), robot.getRightEncoder(), wasLeftIRTriggered?"YES": " ", wasRightIRTriggered?"YES":" ", encoderPacketCountPrevSec, charge_state_string(robot.getChargeState()).c_str() ); // list indices of bumpers flaged in stallval // skip the last bit which is a motor stall flag ArTypes::UByte2 bumpmask = ArUtil::BIT15; int bump = 0; for(int bit = 16; bit > 0; bit--) { if(bit == 9) // this is also a motor stall bit { bumpmask = bumpmask >> 1; bit--; continue; } //printf("\n\tComparing stallval=%s to bumpmask=%s... ", int_as_bitstring(stallval).c_str(), int_as_bitstring(bumpmask).c_str()); if(cumulativeStallVal & bumpmask) printf("%d ", bump); bumpmask = bumpmask >> 1; bump++; } // print pose of last bump sensor reading const std::list* bumpsensed = bumpers.getCurrentBuffer(); if(bumpsensed) { //printf("%d readings. ", bumpsensed->size()); if(bumpsensed->size() > 0 && bumpsensed->front()) { printf("(%.0f,%.0f)", bumpsensed->front()->getX(), bumpsensed->front()->getY()); } } puts(""); // newline // clear events to accumulate for the next second cumulativeRobotFlags = cumulativeStallVal = 0; wasLeftMotorStalled = wasRightMotorStalled = wasLeftIRTriggered = wasRightIRTriggered = wasEStopTriggered = false; robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(1000); } // robot cycle stopped, probably because of lost robot connection Aria::exit(0); // exit program return 0; }