Adept MobileRobots Robotics Interface for Applications (ARIA)
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 ActivMedia Robotics LLC
Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 MobileRobots Inc.
Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Adept Technology
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
If you wish to redistribute ARIA under different terms, contact
Adept MobileRobots for information about a commercial version of ARIA at
robots@mobilerobots.com or
Adept MobileRobots, 10 Columbia Drive, Amherst, NH 03031; +1-603-881-7960
#ifndef ARVCC4_H
#define ARVCC4_H
#include "ariaTypedefs.h"
#include "ArBasePacket.h"
#include "ArPTZ.h"
#include "ariaUtil.h"
#include "ArCommands.h"
#include "ArSerialConnection.h"
// maximum number of bytes expected for a response from the camera
// the state timeout when using bidirectional communication
// This is big because it may have to wait for a power on or
// power off command to complete, which take ~4 seconds.
// The number of ms to wait for a timeout for unidirectional communication.
// This is how long the usertask will wait before assuming that the camera
// has processed the last command.
// how often to request position information from the camera if using
// bidirectional communication (in ms)
#define AUTO_UPDATE_TIME 2000
// accuracy of camera movements. This sets how different the current
// position and the desired position must be in order for a command to be
// sent to the camera.
#define TOLERANCE .1
/** @class ArVCC4
* Control the pan, tilt, and zoom mechanisms of the Canon VC-C4 and VC-C50i cameras.
* An ArVCC4 object can be used to control the pan, tilt, zoom and some
* other aspects of the Canon VC-C4 camera. Since the camera is
* typically connected to the robot microcontroller's auxilliary serial
* port, and also uses ArRobot task cycle callbacks, a connected and
* running ArRobot object is required.
* Communication with the camera can operate in two modes or directions.
* In unidirectional mode(COMM_UNIDIRECTIONAL),
* ArVCC4 simply sends commands to the camera, and waits for
* some time to allow the camera to process it. However, it will have
* no way of verifying that a command was successfully received by the
* cameral. In bidirectional mode (COMM_BIDIRECTIONAL), ArVCC4 waits for a
* response from the camera. Bidirectinal mode requires that the CTS
* line (pin 2 on the VISCA port) be connected.
* When you create an ArVCC4 object, you can request a specific mode,
* or you can specify COMM_UNKNOWN, and ArVCC4 will switch into
* bidirectional mode if it receives any responses from the camera.
* Programmer's manuals for the VC-C45 and VC-C50i, detailing the
* communications protocol (including commands not implemented by ArVCC4),
* as well as user manuals containing specifications and hardware information,
* are available at http://robots.mobilerobots.com.
* ArVCC4 sends commands to the camera using the ArVCC4Packet class to construct the command, and
* using either the ArRobot pointer or an internal ArDeviceConnection,
* depending on whether the camera is connected to the robot
* microcontroller's auxilliary serial port (the usual connection method for
* most robots) or a computer serial port.
\section VCC4CommandDetails Command-Response details:
This camera has a reponse mechanism, whereby each packet sent to the camera generates an answer within 300ms. For the most part, the answer consists of a 6-byte packet which has an error-status within it. Some commands generate longer packets. Receiving the error status is helpful in that you know that the camera will or will not execute the command. However, it doesn't tell you when the command is completed.
In order for the the reponses to work, the CTS line on the camera must be high. This is pin 2 on the visca port. If your camera is not wired in such a fashion, then no answers will be sent to the computer, and the computer will not know whether or not the last packet was processed correctly. Because of this, systems operating without the answer feature will need to run with delays between sending packets. Otherwise, packets will be ignored, but you will have no way of knowing that. To achieve this, there are two types of communication modes that this class will operate under - COMM_UNIDIRECTIONAL or COMM_BIDIRECTIONAL. The default is COMM_UNKNOWN, in which it will use bidirectional commuication if a response is received.
To handle the states and packet processing, this class runs as a user-task, different than the other pan/tilt devices. Because of this, it must have a valid robot connection and a valid serial connection if using a computer serial port. Note that the computer port must be set independently of this class. The aux port can be selected via setAuxPort from the ArPTZ class.
\section VCC4UnitConversions Unit Conversions:
The camera's pan and tilt commands work on a number of units equal to (degrees / 0.1125). The panTilt function always rounds the conversion closer to zero, so that a magnitude greater than the allowable range of movement is not sent to the camera.
\section VCC4C50iFeatures C50i features:
NEW - There is now limited support for the night-mode version of the C50i. To enable night-mode support, pass the camera type in with the constructor. Night-mode consists of two parts - a phsyical IR-cutoff filter, and IR LEDs. The cutoff filter must be enabled first, then turn on the IR LEDs.
This camera has a digital zoom as well as the optical one. There is an additional function for handling the digital. There is also limited support for the auto-focus mechanism, which may need to be elaborated on for better night-vision. In addition to the focus, there are also gain and backlight adjustments that can be made, but are not yet implemented in this class.
/// Used by the ArVCC4 class
class ArVCC4Commands
enum Command {
DELIM = 0x00, /// myTaskCB;
// the actual task to be added as a usertask
void camTask(void);
// true when a response has been received from the camera, but has
// not yet been acted on by the state machine
bool myResponseReceived;
bool myWaitingOnStop;
bool myWaitingOnPacket;
// the state of the state machine
State myState;
State myPreviousState;
State myNextState;
// used to switch between states in the state machine
void switchState(State state, int delayTime = 0);
// the max time before a state times out, and the time for a packet response
// to timeout. The difference being that a packet reponse can be received
// immediately, but it could say that the camera is busy, meaning the state
// has not yet completed
int myStateTimeout;
int myPacketTimeout;
// request a packet from the microcontroller of size num bytes.
// most camera responses are 6 bytes, so just use the default
void requestBytes(int num = 6);
// the buffer to store the incoming packet data in
unsigned char myPacketBuf[50];
int myPacketBufLen;
// how many bytes we're still expecting to receive from the controller
int myBytesLeft;
// these all send commands to the camera.
bool sendPanTilt(void);
bool sendZoom(void);
bool sendPanSlew(void);
bool sendTiltSlew(void);
bool sendPower(void);
bool sendHaltPanTilt(void);
bool sendHaltZoom(void);
bool sendRealPanTiltRequest(void);
bool sendRealZoomRequest(void);
bool sendDigitalZoom(void);
bool sendFocus(void);
// this is currently not used because it doesn't work right
bool sendProductNameRequest(void);
// the camera type is used to specify VC-C4 vs. C50i
CameraType myCameraType;
bool myRequestProductName;
bool sendLEDControlMode(void);
bool sendCameraNameRequest(void);
int myDesiredLEDControlMode;
bool sendIRFilterControl(void);
bool sendIRLEDControl(void);
bool myIRLEDsEnabled;
bool myDesiredIRLEDsMode;
bool myIRFilterModeEnabled;
bool myDesiredIRFilterMode;
// These should only be used by the state machine to initialize the
// camera for the first time
bool setDefaultRange(void);
bool setControlMode(void);
bool sendInit(void);
// process the packet data for a camera response that has accurate
// pan/tilt positional information in it, and the product name
void processGetPanTiltResponse(void);
void processGetZoomResponse(void);
void processGetProductNameResponse(void);
// true if autoupdating of camera's position should be used
bool myAutoUpdate;
// cycle for stepping through various autoupdate resquests from the camera
int myAutoUpdateCycle;
// returns true if there is no reponse to a packet within the timeout
// or also if the state times out. The argument will overrid the default
// timeout periods
bool timeout(int mSec = 0);
// internal reperesenstation of pan, tilt, and zoom positions
double myPan;
double myTilt;
int myZoom;
int myDigitalZoom;
int myFocusMode;
// used to store the returned positional values when requesting the true
// position from the camera
double myPanResponse;
double myTiltResponse;
int myZoomResponse;
// the returned product name
char myProductNameResponse[4];
// the positions that were last sent to the camera. These are needed
// because the desired positions can change between time a command is
// sent and before it succeeds.
double myPanSent;
double myTiltSent;
int myZoomSent;
double myPanSlewSent;
double myTiltSlewSent;
// internal representation of pan and tilt slew
double myPanSlew;
double myTiltSlew;
// where the user has requested the camera move to
double myPanDesired;
double myTiltDesired;
int myZoomDesired;
int myDigitalZoomDesired;
int myFocusModeDesired;
// the pan an tilt slew that the user requested
double myPanSlewDesired;
double myTiltSlewDesired;
// internal mirror of camera power state, and whether it's be initted
bool myPowerState;
bool myCameraIsInitted;
// whether the user wants the camera on or off, or initialized
bool myPowerStateDesired;
bool myInitRequested;
// whether the user has requested to halt movement
bool myHaltZoomRequested;
bool myHaltPanTiltRequested;
// whether the camera has been initialized since instance inception
bool myCameraHasBeenInitted;
// true if the user has requested to update the camera's postion
// from the data returned from the camera
bool myRealPanTiltRequested;
bool myRealZoomRequested;
// the error state from the last packet received
unsigned int myError;
// our FOV numbers (these should change if we use the digital zoom)
double myFOVAtMaxZoom;
double myFOVAtMinZoom;
// run through the list or error callbacks
void throwError();
// the list of error callbacks to step through when a error occurs
std::list myErrorCBList;
/// Used by ArPTZConnector to create an ArVCC4 object based on robot parameters and program options.
/// @since 2.7.6
/// @internal
static ArPTZ* create(size_t index, ArPTZParams params, ArArgumentParser *parser, ArRobot *robot);
/// Used by ArPTZConnector to create an ArVCC4 object based on robot parameters and program options.
/// @since 2.7.6
/// @internal
static ArPTZConnector::GlobalPTZCreateFunc ourCreateFunc;
#ifndef SWIG
static void registerPTZType(); ///<@internal Called by Aria::init() toregister this class with ArPTZConnector for vcc4 and vcc50i PTZ types. @since 2.7.6
#endif // ARVCC4_H