#include "Aria.h" #include "ArNetworking.h" #include /** @example ptzCameraClientExample.cpp Example client showing how to control a Pan/Tilt/Zoom * camera remotely. * * To use, serverDemo, arnlServer from ARNL, sonarnlServer from SONARNL, or * your own server program that includes an ArServerHandlerCamera object. * Then from another host, run ptzCameraClientExample with the -host argument. * For example, if the hostname of the robot's onboard computer is "robot", run: * ptzCameraClientExample -host robot * Or use an IP address, for example, if the address is * ptzCameraClientExample -host * * This program connects to the server, gets a list of cameras if neccesary, and * for each camera on the robot, it receives and prints out one information * packet, then a continuous stream of data packets, and then sends requests * to cycle through each of its pan and tilt limits. * * This program does not get any video images from the server. To do so, use * a video server (e.g. SAV server or ACTS), and see getVideoExample for an * example client. */ /** A request packet that is able to send a copy of itself, with data packed in, * to a server. */ class ArNetCameraRequest : public ArNetPacket { ArClientBase *myClient; std::string myAbsReqName; public: ArNetCameraRequest(ArClientBase *client, const char *cameraName = "") : myClient(client), myAbsReqName(std::string("setCameraAbs")+cameraName) {} void setCameraName(const char *name) { myAbsReqName = std::string("setCameraAbs") + name; } bool requestPanTiltZoomAbs(double pan, double tilt, double zoom); bool requestPanTiltAbs(double pan, double tilt); }; /** Includes callbacks for receiving info and data packets from a * camera server and storing the values parsed from them. */ class ArClientHandlerCamera { public: std::string name; std::string type; std::string displayName; std::string displayType; double minPan, maxPan, minTilt, maxTilt, minZoom, maxZoom; bool haveZoom; double pan, tilt, zoom; void handleCameraInfoReply(ArNetPacket *packet); void handleCameraDataReply(ArNetPacket *packet); ArClientBase *myClient; ArNetCameraRequest request; ArMutex myMutex; ArFunctor1C myCameraInfoReplyFunc; ArFunctor1C myCameraDataReplyFunc; ArClientHandlerCamera(ArClientBase *client, const char *cameraName) : name(cameraName), myClient(client), request(client, cameraName) , myCameraInfoReplyFunc(this, &ArClientHandlerCamera::handleCameraInfoReply), myCameraDataReplyFunc(this, &ArClientHandlerCamera::handleCameraDataReply) { myClient->addHandler((std::string("getCameraInfo")+name).c_str(), &myCameraInfoReplyFunc); myClient->addHandler((std::string("getCameraData")+name).c_str(), &myCameraDataReplyFunc); } void requestUpdates(int dataRequestFreq) { myClient->request((std::string("getCameraInfo")+name).c_str(), -1); myClient->request((std::string("getCameraData")+name).c_str(), 100); } void lock() { myMutex.lock(); } void unlock() { myMutex.unlock(); } }; /** Requests a list of cameras if neccesary, maintains a list of cameras, and implements example pan/tilt movements */ class PtzCameraExample { ArClientBase *myClient; std::set myCameras; ArMutex mutex; ArFunctor1C myCameraListReplyFunc; void handleCameraListReply(ArNetPacket *packet); public: PtzCameraExample(ArClientBase *client) : myClient(client), myCameraListReplyFunc(this, &PtzCameraExample::handleCameraListReply) { } bool init(); void run(); }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { Aria::init(); ArClientBase client; ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv); ArClientSimpleConnector clientConnector(&parser); parser.loadDefaultArguments(); if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { Aria::logOptions(); return 1; } if (!clientConnector.connectClient(&client)) { if(client.wasRejected()) ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "Error, server '%s' rejected connection. Exiting.", client.getHost()); else ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "Error, could not connect to server '%s'. Exiting.", client.getHost()); return 2; } client.setRobotName(client.getHost()); // include server hostname in log messages client.runAsync(); PtzCameraExample example(&client); if(!example.init()) return 1; example.run(); Aria::shutdown(); return 0; } bool PtzCameraExample::init() { // If the server has the "getCameraList" request, then it's using // ArServerHandlerCameraCollection, and migth have multiple PTZs/cameras each with // its own set of requests. So send a "getCameraList" request, and when its // reply is received, the handler will send "getCameraInfo" requests for each. // If the server does not have "getCameraList", it only has one PTZ camera, just // send "getCameraInfo". The handler for that will send various control // commands. // If the server does not have "getCameraInfo", then it doesn't provide any // access to PTZ cameras. if(myClient->dataExists("getCameraList")) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Server may have multiple cameras. Requesting list."); myClient->addHandler("getCameraList", &myCameraListReplyFunc); myClient->requestOnce("getCameraList"); } else if(myClient->dataExists("getCameraInfo")) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Server does not support multiple cameras. Requesting info for its camera."); ArClientHandlerCamera *camClient = new ArClientHandlerCamera(myClient, ""); camClient->requestUpdates(100); mutex.lock(); myCameras.insert(camClient); mutex.unlock(); } else { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "Error, server does not have any camera control requests. (Was the server run with video features enabled or video forwarding active?)"); return false; } return true; } void PtzCameraExample::handleCameraListReply(ArNetPacket *pkt) { ArTypes::Byte2 numCams = pkt->bufToByte2(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%d cameras in list.", numCams); char camName[128]; char camType[128]; char displayName[128]; char displayType[128]; char cmdDesc[128]; char cmdName[128]; ArTypes::Byte4 cmdFreq; int dataReqFreq = 100; for(ArTypes::Byte2 i = 0; i < numCams; ++i) { memset(camName, 0, 128); memset(camType, 0, 128); memset(displayName, 0, 128); memset(displayType, 0, 128); pkt->bufToStr(camName, 128); // name ArClientHandlerCamera *cam = new ArClientHandlerCamera(myClient, camName); pkt->bufToStr(camType, 128); // type cam->type = camType; pkt->bufToStr(displayName, 128); // description cam->displayName = displayName; pkt->bufToStr(displayType, 128); // description cam->displayType = displayType; ArTypes::Byte2 numCmds = pkt->bufToByte2(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%d commands for camera \'%s\' (%s) / \'%s\' (%s)", numCmds, camName, camType, displayName, displayType); for(ArTypes::Byte2 c = 0; c < numCmds; ++c) { memset(cmdDesc, 0, 128); memset(cmdName, 0, 128); char cmdDesc[128]; char cmdName[128]; pkt->bufToStr(cmdDesc, 128); // description pkt->bufToStr(cmdName, 128); // request name cmdFreq = pkt->bufToByte4(); // recommended request frequency ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Camera %s has %s command named %s with recommended request frequency %d.", camName, cmdDesc, cmdName, cmdFreq); if(strcmp(cmdDesc, "getCameraData") == 0) dataReqFreq = cmdFreq; } ArTypes::Byte2 numParams = pkt->bufToByte2(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Camera %s has %d parameters.", camName, numParams); for(ArTypes::Byte2 p = 0; p < numParams; ++p) { ArClientArg carg; ArConfigArg arg; if(!carg.bufToArgValue(pkt, arg)) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Hmm, error getting ArClientArg for camera %s's parameter #%d.", camName, p); } cam->requestUpdates(dataReqFreq); mutex.lock(); myCameras.insert(cam); mutex.unlock(); } } void ArClientHandlerCamera::handleCameraInfoReply(ArNetPacket *pkt) { lock(); minPan = pkt->bufToByte2() / 1000.0; maxPan = pkt->bufToByte2() / 1000.0; minTilt = pkt->bufToByte2() / 1000.0; maxTilt = pkt->bufToByte2() / 1000.0; minZoom = pkt->bufToByte2() / 1000.0; maxZoom = pkt->bufToByte2() / 1000.0; haveZoom = pkt->bufToByte(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Got getCameraInfo reply with pan range (%f, %f), tilt range (%f, %f), zoom range (%f, %f), zoom valid %d.", minPan, maxPan, minTilt, maxTilt, minZoom, maxZoom, haveZoom); unlock(); } void ArClientHandlerCamera::handleCameraDataReply(ArNetPacket *pkt) { lock(); pan = pkt->bufToByte2() / 1000.0; tilt = pkt->bufToByte2() / 1000.0; zoom = pkt->bufToByte2() /1000.0; ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Got camera data from camera %s with current pan=%f, tilt=%f, zoom=%f.", name.c_str(), pan, tilt, zoom); unlock(); } bool ArNetCameraRequest::requestPanTiltAbs(double pan, double tilt) { empty(); byte2ToBuf((ArTypes::Byte2)(pan * 1000.0)); byte2ToBuf((ArTypes::Byte2)(tilt * 1000.0)); finalizePacket(); return myClient->requestOnce(myAbsReqName.c_str(), this); } bool ArNetCameraRequest::requestPanTiltZoomAbs(double pan, double tilt, double zoom) { empty(); byte2ToBuf((ArTypes::Byte2)(pan * 1000.0)); byte2ToBuf((ArTypes::Byte2)(tilt * 1000.0)); byte2ToBuf((ArTypes::Byte2)(zoom * 1000.0)); finalizePacket(); return myClient->requestOnce(myAbsReqName.c_str(), this); } void PtzCameraExample::run() { enum { MinPan, MaxPan, Center1, MinTilt, MaxTilt, Center2} stage; stage = MinPan; while(myClient->isConnected()) { mutex.lock(); for(std::set::const_iterator i = myCameras.begin(); i != myCameras.end(); ++i) { ArClientHandlerCamera* c = (*i); c->lock(); switch(stage) { case MinPan: c->request.requestPanTiltAbs(c->minPan, 0); stage = MaxPan; break; case MaxPan: c->request.requestPanTiltAbs(c->maxPan, 0); stage = Center1; break; case Center1: c->request.requestPanTiltAbs(0, 0); stage = MinTilt; break; case MinTilt: c->request.requestPanTiltAbs(0, c->minTilt); stage = MaxTilt; break; case MaxTilt: c->request.requestPanTiltAbs(0, c->maxTilt); stage = Center2; break; case Center2: c->request.requestPanTiltAbs(0, 0); stage = MinPan; } c->unlock(); } mutex.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(3000); } }