#include "Aria.h" #include "ArNetworking.h" /** @example popupExample.cpp Shows how to create popup windows in a client like MobileEyes * * This example server program connects to a robot, and sends a message to clients (e.g. MobileEyes) to display * in a dialog box when a sensor reading is detected in front of the robot * within 1 meter. It also checks to see if that obstacle is not at the same * angle as the previous detected obstacle -- it's probably the same one, * unmoved -- to avoid sending repeated popups. The popup offers three choices, * acknowlege and do nothing, turn the robot around 180 degrees, or exit the server. */ class SensorDetectPopup { public: SensorDetectPopup(ArRobot *robot, ArServerHandlerPopup *popupServer); protected: ArRobot *myRobot; ArServerHandlerPopup *myPopupServer; bool myPopupDisplayed; double myPrevObstacleAngle; bool myPrevObstacleAngleValid; ArFunctor2C *myPopupClosedCB; void popupClosed(ArTypes::Byte4 popupID, int button); void sensorTask(void) ; }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { Aria::init(); ArRobot robot; ArSonarDevice sonar; ArSick sick; robot.addRangeDevice(&sonar); ArServerBase server; // Argument parser: ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv); parser.loadDefaultArguments(); // Connector and server opener: ArRobotConnector robotConnector(&parser, &robot); if(!robotConnector.connectRobot()) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "popupExample: Could not connect to the robot."); if(parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { Aria::logOptions(); } Aria::exit(1); } ArLaserConnector laserConnector(&parser, &robot, &robotConnector); ArServerSimpleOpener simpleOpener(&parser); // Get command-line and other parameters if(!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { Aria::logOptions(); Aria::exit(1); } robot.runAsync(true); // connect to the laser if(!laserConnector.connectLasers()) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "popupExample: Warning: Could not connect to lasers."); } // Open the server if(!simpleOpener.open(&server)) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "popupExample: Error, could not open server."); return 1; } server.runAsync(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "popupExample: Server running. Press control-C to exit."); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "popupExample: Each time an obstacle is detected near the robot, a new popup message will be created. Connect with MobileEyes to see them."); // Sends robot position etc. ArServerInfoRobot robotInfoServer(&server, &robot); // This service sends drawings e.g. showing range device positions ArServerInfoDrawings drawingsServer(&server); drawingsServer.addRobotsRangeDevices(&robot); // This service can send messages to clients to display as popup dialogs: ArServerHandlerPopup popupServer(&server); // This object contains the robot sensor interpretation task and creates // popups: SensorDetectPopup(&robot, &popupServer); robot.enableMotors(); robot.waitForRunExit(); Aria::exit(0); } SensorDetectPopup::SensorDetectPopup(ArRobot *robot, ArServerHandlerPopup *popupServer) : myRobot(robot), myPopupServer(popupServer), myPopupDisplayed(false), myPrevObstacleAngleValid(false) { myRobot->lock(); myRobot->addSensorInterpTask("sensorDetectPopup", 50, new ArFunctorC(this, &SensorDetectPopup::sensorTask)); myPopupClosedCB = new ArFunctor2C(this, &SensorDetectPopup::popupClosed); myRobot->unlock(); } void SensorDetectPopup::sensorTask(void) { // Basic obstacle detection if (myPopupDisplayed) return; double detectAngle, detectRange; detectRange = myRobot->checkRangeDevicesCurrentPolar(-90, 90, &detectAngle); if (detectRange > 0 && detectRange <= 500) { if(myPrevObstacleAngleValid && fabs(detectAngle - myPrevObstacleAngle) < 0.0001) return; ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "popupExample: New obstacle detected at range %f, angle %f. Displaying popup dialog on client...", detectRange, detectAngle); ArServerHandlerPopupInfo info("popupExample", // ID "Object Detected", // Title "A range sensor detected a reading within 0.5 meters of the robot.", // Message ArServerHandlerPopup::INFORMATION, // Type 0, // Default button 0, // Cancel/escape button 5, // Timeout (sec.) NULL, // Timeout String "OK", "Acknowleged.", // Button 0 Label/Acknowlegement "Turn Around", "Requested rotate...", // Button 1 Label/Acknowlegement "Shut Down", "Shutting down server..." // Button 2 Label/Acknowlegement ); int id = myPopupServer->createPopup(&info, myPopupClosedCB); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\t...Created a popup with ID=%d", id); myPopupDisplayed = true; myPrevObstacleAngle = detectAngle; myPrevObstacleAngleValid = true; } } void SensorDetectPopup::popupClosed(ArTypes::Byte4 popupID, int button) { // A client closed the popup ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "popupExample: a client closed popup dialog window with id=%d. Button=%d...", popupID, button); myPopupDisplayed = false; if(button < 0) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\t...popup timed out or closed due to an error."); return; } if (button == 0) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\t...OK pressed."); return; } if(button == 1) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\t...180 degree rotate requested."); myRobot->lock(); myRobot->setDeltaHeading(180); myRobot->unlock(); return; } if(button == 2) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\t...exit requested."); myRobot->stopRunning(); Aria::shutdown(); Aria::exit(0); } }