/* Adept MobileRobots Robotics Interface for Applications (ARIA) Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 ActivMedia Robotics LLC Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 MobileRobots Inc. Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Adept Technology This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA If you wish to redistribute ARIA under different terms, contact Adept MobileRobots for information about a commercial version of ARIA at robots@mobilerobots.com or Adept MobileRobots, 10 Columbia Drive, Amherst, NH 03031; +1-603-881-7960 */ #include "Aria.h" #include class Joydrive { public: Joydrive(ArRobot *robot, int test); ~Joydrive(void) {} void drive(void); protected: ArJoyHandler myJoyHandler; ArRobot *myRobot; int myTest; time_t myLastPress; }; Joydrive::Joydrive(ArRobot *robot, int test) { myRobot = robot; myJoyHandler.init(); myJoyHandler.setSpeeds(100, 700); myTest = test; myLastPress = 0; if (myJoyHandler.haveJoystick()) { printf("Have a joystick\n\n"); } else { printf("Do not have a joystick, set up the joystick then rerun the program\n\n"); exit(0); } } void Joydrive::drive(void) { int trans, rot; ArPose pose; ArPose rpose; ArTransform transform; ArRangeDevice *dev; ArSensorReading *son; if (!myRobot->isConnected()) { printf("Lost connection to the robot, exiting\n"); exit(0); } printf("\rx %6.1f y %6.1f th %6.1f", myRobot->getX(), myRobot->getY(), myRobot->getTh()); fflush(stdout); if (myJoyHandler.haveJoystick() && myJoyHandler.getButton(1)) { if (ArMath::fabs(myRobot->getVel()) < 10.0) myRobot->comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); myJoyHandler.getAdjusted(&rot, &trans); myRobot->setVel(trans); myRobot->setRotVel(-rot); } else { myRobot->setVel(0); myRobot->setRotVel(0); } if (myJoyHandler.haveJoystick() && myJoyHandler.getButton(2) && time(NULL) - myLastPress > 1) { myLastPress = time(NULL); printf("\n"); switch (myTest) { case 1: printf("Moving back to the origin.\n"); pose.setPose(0, 0, 0); myRobot->moveTo(pose); break; case 2: printf("Moving over a meter.\n"); pose.setPose(myRobot->getX() + 1000, myRobot->getY(), 0); myRobot->moveTo(pose); break; case 3: printf("Doing a transform test....\n"); printf("\nOrigin should be transformed to the robots coords.\n"); transform = myRobot->getToGlobalTransform(); pose.setPose(0, 0, 0); pose = transform.doTransform(pose); rpose = myRobot->getPose(); printf("Pos: "); pose.log(); printf("Robot: "); rpose.log(); if (pose.findDistanceTo(rpose) < .1) printf("Success\n"); else printf("#### FAILURE\n"); printf("\nRobot coords should be transformed to the origin.\n"); transform = myRobot->getToLocalTransform(); pose = myRobot->getPose(); pose = transform.doTransform(pose); rpose.setPose(0, 0, 0); printf("Pos: "); pose.log(); printf("Robot: "); rpose.log(); if (pose.findDistanceTo(rpose) < .1) printf("Success\n"); else printf("#### FAILURE\n"); break; case 4: printf("Doing a tranform test...\n"); printf("A point 1 meter to the -x from the robot (in local coords) should be transformed into global coordinates.\n"); transform = myRobot->getToGlobalTransform(); pose.setPose(-1000, 0, 0); pose = transform.doTransform(pose); rpose = myRobot->getPose(); printf("Pos: "); pose.log(); printf("Robot: "); rpose.log(); if (ArMath::fabs(pose.findDistanceTo(rpose) - 1000.0) < .1) printf("Probable Success\n"); else printf("#### FAILURE\n"); break; case 5: printf("Doing a transform test on range devices..\n"); printf("Moving the robot +4 meters x and +4 meters y and seeing if the moveTo will move the sonar readings along with it.\n"); dev = myRobot->findRangeDevice("sonar"); if (dev == NULL) { printf("No sonar on the robot, can't do the test.\n"); break; } printf("Closest sonar reading to the robot is %.0f away\n", dev->currentReadingPolar(1, 0)); printf("Sonar 0 reading is at "); son = myRobot->getSonarReading(0); if (son != NULL) { pose = son->getPose(); pose.log(); } pose = myRobot->getPose(); pose.setX(pose.getX() + 4000); pose.setY(pose.getY() + 4000); myRobot->moveTo(pose); printf("Moved robot.\n"); printf("Closest sonar reading to the robot is %.0f away\n", dev->currentReadingPolar(1, 0)); printf("Sonar 0 reading is at "); son = myRobot->getSonarReading(0); if (son != NULL) { pose = son->getPose(); pose.log(); } break; case 6: printf("Robot position now is:\n"); pose = myRobot->getPose(); pose.log(); printf("Disconnecting from the robot, then reconnecting.\n"); myRobot->disconnect(); myRobot->blockingConnect(); printf("Robot position now is:\n"); pose = myRobot->getPose(); pose.log(); break; default: printf("No test for second button.\n"); break; } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string str; int ret; int num; ArPose pose; Aria::init(); if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage is '%s ' where is one of:\n", argv[0]); printf("1 Moves the robot back to the origin.\n"); printf("2 Moves the robot +1 meter in X direction.\n"); printf("3 Does a transform test, going from the origin to robot and back.\n"); printf("4 Does a transform test with a point 1 meter to the -x from the robot (ie left).\n"); printf("5 Does a transform, prints out sonar plar reading before and after.\n"); printf("6 Disconnects the robot, and reconnects to it.\n"); exit(1); } num = atoi(argv[1]); ArTcpConnection con; ArRobot robot(NULL, false); Joydrive joyd(&robot, num); ArFunctorC driveCB(&joyd, &Joydrive::drive); ArSonarDevice sonar; if ((ret = con.open()) != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } robot.addUserTask("joydrive", 50, &driveCB); robot.addRangeDevice(&sonar); robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); pose.setPose(4000, 2000, 90); robot.moveTo(pose); pose = robot.getPose(); printf("Position set to, before connect.\n"); pose.log(); if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } pose = robot.getPose(); printf("Position robot at, after connect.\n"); pose.log(); //printf("Position being reset to 0.\n"); //pose.setPose(0, 0, 0); //robot.moveTo(pose); //robot.comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 0); robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0); robot.run(true); Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }