# generated from catkin/cmake/template/pkgConfig.cmake.in # append elements to a list and remove existing duplicates from the list # copied from catkin/cmake/list_append_deduplicate.cmake to keep pkgConfig # self contained macro(_list_append_deduplicate listname) if(NOT "${ARGN}" STREQUAL "") if(${listname}) list(REMOVE_ITEM ${listname} ${ARGN}) endif() list(APPEND ${listname} ${ARGN}) endif() endmacro() # append elements to a list if they are not already in the list # copied from catkin/cmake/list_append_unique.cmake to keep pkgConfig # self contained macro(_list_append_unique listname) foreach(_item ${ARGN}) list(FIND ${listname} ${_item} _index) if(_index EQUAL -1) list(APPEND ${listname} ${_item}) endif() endforeach() endmacro() # pack a list of libraries with optional build configuration keywords # copied from catkin/cmake/catkin_libraries.cmake to keep pkgConfig # self contained macro(_pack_libraries_with_build_configuration VAR) set(${VAR} "") set(_argn ${ARGN}) list(LENGTH _argn _count) set(_index 0) while(${_index} LESS ${_count}) list(GET _argn ${_index} lib) if("${lib}" MATCHES "^debug|optimized|general$") math(EXPR _index "${_index} + 1") if(${_index} EQUAL ${_count}) message(FATAL_ERROR "_pack_libraries_with_build_configuration() the list of libraries '${ARGN}' ends with '${lib}' which is a build configuration keyword and must be followed by a library") endif() list(GET _argn ${_index} library) list(APPEND ${VAR} "${lib}${CATKIN_BUILD_CONFIGURATION_KEYWORD_SEPARATOR}${library}") else() list(APPEND ${VAR} "${lib}") endif() math(EXPR _index "${_index} + 1") endwhile() endmacro() # unpack a list of libraries with optional build configuration keyword prefixes # copied from catkin/cmake/catkin_libraries.cmake to keep pkgConfig # self contained macro(_unpack_libraries_with_build_configuration VAR) set(${VAR} "") foreach(lib ${ARGN}) string(REGEX REPLACE "^(debug|optimized|general)${CATKIN_BUILD_CONFIGURATION_KEYWORD_SEPARATOR}(.+)$" "\\1;\\2" lib "${lib}") list(APPEND ${VAR} "${lib}") endforeach() endmacro() if(safety_CONFIG_INCLUDED) return() endif() set(safety_CONFIG_INCLUDED TRUE) # set variables for source/devel/install prefixes if("TRUE" STREQUAL "TRUE") set(safety_SOURCE_PREFIX /home/lab1_5/ws/ws_linux/src/safety) set(safety_DEVEL_PREFIX /home/lab1_5/ws/ws_linux/devel) set(safety_INSTALL_PREFIX "") set(safety_PREFIX ${safety_DEVEL_PREFIX}) else() set(safety_SOURCE_PREFIX "") set(safety_DEVEL_PREFIX "") set(safety_INSTALL_PREFIX /home/lab1_5/ws/ws_linux/install) set(safety_PREFIX ${safety_INSTALL_PREFIX}) endif() # warn when using a deprecated package if(NOT "" STREQUAL "") set(_msg "WARNING: package 'safety' is deprecated") # append custom deprecation text if available if(NOT "" STREQUAL "TRUE") set(_msg "${_msg} ()") endif() message("${_msg}") endif() # flag project as catkin-based to distinguish if a find_package()-ed project is a catkin project set(safety_FOUND_CATKIN_PROJECT TRUE) if(NOT "" STREQUAL "") set(safety_INCLUDE_DIRS "") set(_include_dirs "") foreach(idir ${_include_dirs}) if(IS_ABSOLUTE ${idir} AND IS_DIRECTORY ${idir}) set(include ${idir}) elseif("${idir}" STREQUAL "include") get_filename_component(include "${safety_DIR}/../../../include" ABSOLUTE) if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${include}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Project 'safety' specifies '${idir}' as an include dir, which is not found. It does not exist in '${include}'. Ask the maintainer 'Aleksandra Grzelak ' to fix it.") endif() else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Project 'safety' specifies '${idir}' as an include dir, which is not found. It does neither exist as an absolute directory nor in '/home/lab1_5/ws/ws_linux/src/safety/${idir}'. Ask the maintainer 'Aleksandra Grzelak ' to fix it.") endif() _list_append_unique(safety_INCLUDE_DIRS ${include}) endforeach() endif() set(libraries "safety") foreach(library ${libraries}) # keep build configuration keywords, target names and absolute libraries as-is if("${library}" MATCHES "^debug|optimized|general$") list(APPEND safety_LIBRARIES ${library}) elseif(TARGET ${library}) list(APPEND safety_LIBRARIES ${library}) elseif(IS_ABSOLUTE ${library}) list(APPEND safety_LIBRARIES ${library}) else() set(lib_path "") set(lib "${library}-NOTFOUND") # since the path where the library is found is returned we have to iterate over the paths manually foreach(path /home/lab1_5/ws/ws_linux/devel/lib;/home/lab1_5/ws/ws_linux/devel/lib;/opt/ros/hydro/lib) find_library(lib ${library} PATHS ${path} NO_DEFAULT_PATH NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH) if(lib) set(lib_path ${path}) break() endif() endforeach() if(lib) _list_append_unique(safety_LIBRARY_DIRS ${lib_path}) list(APPEND safety_LIBRARIES ${lib}) else() # as a fall back for non-catkin libraries try to search globally find_library(lib ${library}) if(NOT lib) message(FATAL_ERROR "Project '${PROJECT_NAME}' tried to find library '${library}'. The library is neither a target nor built/installed properly. Did you compile project 'safety'? Did you find_package() it before the subdirectory containing its code is included?") endif() list(APPEND safety_LIBRARIES ${lib}) endif() endif() endforeach() set(safety_EXPORTED_TARGETS "safety_generate_messages_cpp;safety_generate_messages_lisp;safety_generate_messages_py") # create dummy targets for exported code generation targets to make life of users easier foreach(t ${safety_EXPORTED_TARGETS}) if(NOT TARGET ${t}) add_custom_target(${t}) endif() endforeach() set(depends "message_runtime;roscpp;rospy;std_msgs;rosaria") foreach(depend ${depends}) string(REPLACE " " ";" depend_list ${depend}) # the package name of the dependency must be kept in a unique variable so that it is not overwritten in recursive calls list(GET depend_list 0 safety_dep) list(LENGTH depend_list count) if(${count} EQUAL 1) # simple dependencies must only be find_package()-ed once if(NOT ${safety_dep}_FOUND) find_package(${safety_dep} REQUIRED) endif() else() # dependencies with components must be find_package()-ed again list(REMOVE_AT depend_list 0) find_package(${safety_dep} REQUIRED ${depend_list}) endif() _list_append_unique(safety_INCLUDE_DIRS ${${safety_dep}_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # merge build configuration keywords with library names to correctly deduplicate _pack_libraries_with_build_configuration(safety_LIBRARIES ${safety_LIBRARIES}) _pack_libraries_with_build_configuration(_libraries ${${safety_dep}_LIBRARIES}) _list_append_deduplicate(safety_LIBRARIES ${_libraries}) # undo build configuration keyword merging after deduplication _unpack_libraries_with_build_configuration(safety_LIBRARIES ${safety_LIBRARIES}) _list_append_unique(safety_LIBRARY_DIRS ${${safety_dep}_LIBRARY_DIRS}) list(APPEND safety_EXPORTED_TARGETS ${${safety_dep}_EXPORTED_TARGETS}) endforeach() set(pkg_cfg_extras "safety-msg-extras.cmake") foreach(extra ${pkg_cfg_extras}) if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${extra}) set(extra ${safety_DIR}/${extra}) endif() include(${extra}) endforeach()