- underscore-string-underscore combinations (```_us_```) are transformed into requiered html text input field with string between underscores as a value of ```data-expected``` atribute (```<inputtype="text"data-expected="us">```).
```text2exercitium_cloze.py``` takes text file as an input and generates HTML from it according to the rules described above. Additionaly, the first line of the text file contains expresions separated with ```|``` based on which user should fill the input fields (sometimes declination of conjugation is necessary). Text files contains the lines (separated with ```\n```), which are processed into a list.
To run the app on your own machine run ```pipenv install``` to install requested packages based on the Pipfile and then run ```pipenv shell 'gunicorn --bind app:app'``` or ```flask run```.